Nail Cutting in your home.

Service offered

I am able to provide simple affordable hand and toe nail cutting without long waiting lists.

 Option of hand, arm and foot massage therapy as well 

Ideal for anyone with difficulty bending, trouble with strength or dexterity in using nail care equipment.

Friendly, reliable Senior Carer of over 20 years experience caring for people living with all types of health conditions. ( see my testimonials page )



. Diabetes / Reduced Sensation of Limbs

. Cancers of any origin / Disorders of the immune system 

. Blood Clotting Disorders

. Any Contagious Conditions / Infections / Life Threatening Allergies


At point of contact I will require a terms and conditions form to be completed and signed prior to any treatment. Should a client be unable to sign themselves, then a family member or qualified member of staff will need to sign on their behalf.